Heaven and Earth Art Exhibit Archive

In collaboration with Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Carkeek Park Advisory Council, the Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA) orchestrated an exhibition of temporary artwork in the forest of Carkeek Park from 2009 to 2018.

Visit the archives

Heaven and Earth 1: 2009

Heaven and Earth 2: 2010

Heaven and Earth 3: Cycles of Return 2011

Heaven and Earth 4: Rootbound 2012

Heaven and Earth 5: Acclimatized 2013

Heaven and Earth 6: As Above, So Below 2014

Heaven and Earth 7: Propagation 2015

Heaven and Earth 8: Wild Germination 2016

Heaven and Earth 9: Cultivate(d) 2017

Heaven and Earth 10: Flourish 2018 (no archive)

From Heaven and Earth 9: Cultivate(d)

Ted Larson, artist

Our Borders

Our Borders is a statement about our national borders being an open fence celebrating our multinational immigrant culture. The symbolic fire element (match sticks) portrays the passion to keep our borders open to receive new people seeking a better quality of life in keeping with the hopes and values of the American Dream. The match theme also embodies holding up a light to our coastline illuminating the way.


Master Gardeners Participate in the 2018 Festival of Fruit

Master Gardener Clinic table with Anita Repanich and John Sykes greeting visitors

The Carkeek Master Gardener Demonstration Gardeners participated in the Festival of Fruit, September 16th from 10am-2pm, at Carkeek Park with a MG clinic table, children’s activities and live honey bees.

Master Gardeners Mary Ann Kae at the Bee Keepers booth.

Children’s Activity presented by Mary Ann Kae, beekeeper; both children and adults were fascinated with this display and presenta

Piper’s Orchard Festival of Fruit, Saturday 9/15

The Friends of Piper’s Orchard invite the community to join them in celebrating Carkeek Park’s historic orchard on Saturday, September 15th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm in Carkeek Park. FREE and fun for the whole family.

The Heaven & Earth outdoor art exhibition, which will be in Carkeek Park for the 10th year, will also offer the opportunity to meet exhibit artists and tour the installations located throughout the park.

There will be activities in two locations in Carkeek Park:

At the Environmental Center
Apple pie contest (10-10:45am) Enters by 9:30!
Mason Bee demonstrations
Apple identification
Apple and Pear variety tasting Fresh pressed cider demonstration
Cider pressing
Buy pies and cider from Tillie’s Cafe (11am-2pm)
Master Gardener Clinic with activities for adults and children
Honey Bee demonstration
Demonstartion Gardens tours for children (11:15am and 1:00pm)
Demonstartion Gardens tours for adults (12:30pm)
Heaven and Earth Outdoor Art Exhibition Opening
Live Music featuring Will Morgan and Kelly Blanchard

In Piper’s Orchard
Visit the orchard
Orchard tours (11:30am and 1:30pm)
Orchard History presentation
Get your fruit tree and grape questions answered

Bring a homemade apple pie between 10:00 am and 10:30 am to enter into the pie contest or donate a homemade pie for resale. More interested in eating pies than baking them? That’s okay too! Donated pies will be available for purchase at Tillie’s Café, and the proceeds will go toward maintaining the orchard. Contest pies will also be available for purchase.

The Festival of Fruit is organized by the Friends of Piper’s Orchard, a group of dedicated volunteers who rescued the historic North Seattle orchard from invasive plants. Each year, the annual festival raises awareness and funds to help the volunteers ensure that the orchard, originally planted in the 1890s, will survive at least another 100 years.

Alongside the Friends of Piper’s Orchard, the Festival of Fruit is also sponsored by Seattle Parks and Recreation, Carkeek Park Advisory Council, Seattle Tree Fruit Society, and City Fruit.

Getting There: Metro bus lines D, 28 and 40 all travel near the McAbee entrance to Carkeek Park. From there it’s a ½ mile walk down the Piper’s Creek trail to Piper’s Orchard and another ½ mile to the Education Center.

Parking: Parking is very limited. Visitors are encouraged to park below the Education Center. Volunteers will be directing guests.

For more information
Email: pipersorchard@gmail.com
Visit: www.pipersorchard.org

The Annual Carkeek Park Volunteer Recognition BBQ Potluck is Monday July 23rd

The Carkeek Park Advisory Council would like to invite you to our annual volunteer recognition BBQ Potluck.  The BBQ will be held at the Nancy Malmgren Environmental Learning Center at 7pm on Monday, July 23rd.  This is our way of saying thanks for the many, many hours you have given to Carkeek over the past year.  Take this opportunity to meet other volunteers, relax, eat and enjoy.  We will be providing items from the grill (hamburgers, hot dogs, some kosher, gluten free and vegetarian options) with buns, condiments and beverages.  Please come join us and bring your partner, spouse and children.  Feel free to bring something to share. 

Please RSVP by Friday, 7/20 so we have time to purchase the provisions. Send your RSVP to CPAC@CarkeekPark.org


Call for Temporary Outdoor Artworks at Carkeek Park

Heaven & Earth X (2018): Flourish will be running August 20 – October 21, 2018. Deadline for submissions is  July 11, 2018.

The Carkeek Park Advisory Council (CPAC) and Seattle Parks and Recreation invite proposals for placement of up to eight temporary outdoor artworks in Carkeek Park, an approximately 190-acre urban forest located in NW Seattle, from August 20-October 21st, 2018 . The deadline for submissions is July 11, 2018; there is no fee to apply.

Artists and artist teams will be offered an honorarium of $1,000 ($500 upon successful installation of accepted projects, and another $500 upon successful de-installation of projects). For the ninth season of the ongoing series, the organizers have selected ArtSiteLtd, a professional sculpture installation team, as curator. The theme for the 2018 Heaven & Earth installation is FLOURISH

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