Category Archives: Salmon (CWCAP)

The Second and Final Salmon Fry Release is May 12th

The Second and Final Salmon Fry Release is May 12th at 7:45pm. Join us for the release of approximately 38,000 chum salmon fry. this batch includes 35,000 raised at the imprint pond and another 3000 fry raised by 25 local schools. For more information go to

Until the release, feel free to come on down to the imprint pond to see the fry. If you arrive while a steward is present, you can even feed the fry. Stewards feed the fry in the morning around 8 or 9am, in the middle of the day around noon, and in the evening around 5pm. Note that all of the stewards are volunteers and what time they feed the fry is variable. So look for the white sandwich board sign at the bottom of the hill where Venema Creek flows under the road as you drive into the park.

1st Salmon Fry Release of 2018

This sign lets Park visitors know that the Imprint Pond is open.

The first batch of Chum salmon fry will be released into Venema Creek on Friday, March 2, 2018 at 5:15 PM! Look for the sign at the bottom of the hill as you enter the park directing you to the imprint pond.

Salmon Imprint volunteers have been feeding the 35,000 fry we received from the Suquamish Tribe hatchery at Grover Creek 3 time a day, 7 days a week for 45 days to prepare them for release.

Visit the CWCAP website for more information.

The Salmon have returned to Piper’s Creek

This male Chum salmon returned to its home waters in Venema Creek. Salmon return to their home waters to spawn, needing 2 things: a mate and suitable habitat for spawning; Photo by Matt Kuhar, CWCAP Naturalist, Nov 12, 2016

The salmon are in Carkeek Park!  Come down to the park and check them out!

The first salmon this fall was spotted on Oct 19th by Rick Henry in Piper’s Creek. Look for increasing numbers of live salmon through November with fish still in the creek through the first week or two of December.

Remember, please stay on the trails and use the viewing areas to watch for salmon.  Keep all of your dogs leashed and out of the creeks and away from the creek banks.

Here are some of the activities you might want to know about:

Salmon Stewards
Each Saturday & Sunday in November (plus the Friday after Thanksgiving) and the 1st weekend in December, 11am—2pm
Carkeek Park Salmon Stewards are a community of local volunteers trained to welcome, engage, educate, and inspire park visitors drawn by the annual Piper’s Creek salmon run. Check out the Carkeek Park Salmon Stewards Facebook page.

Salmon Spawning Survey
Each Saturday in November until the end of the salmon run in December
CWCAP volunteers collect data about deceased salmon to determine their numbers and spawning success. This annual survey follows the story of these fish after they are released from the Les Malmgren Imprint Pond 3-5 years earlier.

Carkeek Park Salmon Celebration, Saturday, November 19th, 11am-2pm, hosted by SPU‘s Carkeek Park Salmon Stewards.  All ages are invited to come on down to Carkeek Park to view the salmon, join in some activities and enjoy a hot beverage and donuts. Volunteer Salmon Stewards will be on hand to show you where the fish are and a lot about their life cycle, habitat, and how well they are doing in this amazing Seattle urban creek. There will be music, a kid-friendly scavenger hunt, a fish dissection, and representatives from several organizations that care about the salmon in our park including – Carkeek Park Advisory Council, Tilth Alliance, Carkeek Watershed Community Action Project, and Indigenous STEAM.

The 3rd and final batch of Chum salmon fry

The 3rd and final batch of Chum salmon fry will be released into Venema Creek on Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 8:00 PM!  This is our final release of the 2017 Imprint Season.

This final release is of fry from the Salmon in the Schools program.  29 Seattle public and private schools have delivered their fish, hatched from eggs and raised for 3 months, to the Carkeek Park Imprint Pond.  CWCAP volunteers have been feeding and imprinting them 3 time a day, 7 days a week to prepare them for release.

Visit the CWCAP Release schedule page for more information

2nd Salmon Fry Release of 2017 is at 6:45pm on Saturday, March 25th

We will be releasing our second batch of Chum salmon fry at about 6:45pm on Saturday, March 25th. We have 32,000+ fry that have been learning the chemical profile of Venema Creek (imprinting) so that in three to five years they will return in the fall to spawn here in Carkeek Park.

Two dozen volunteer salmon imprint stewards have been caring for the fry and greeting visitors to the imprint pond for the last three weeks.

Please come down to join us as we send our second batch of wards on their journey to Puget Sounds and up to Alaska.

Thank you Suquamish Tribe and the staff at Grovers Creek Salmon Hatchery for our fish stock, your expertise, and support!

You can also read about the release at and find links to more details about the salmon programs in Carkeek Park.