Carkeek Park WeWos win the Denny Healthy Environment Award


From Seattle Parks and Recreation Superintendent’s Office:
Today (November 28, 2017) Superintendent Jesús Aguirre announced the winners of Seattle Parks and Recreation’s 2017 Denny Awards for Outstanding Volunteer Stewardship. The winners are a cross-section of Seattle’s most creative, dedicated and hard-working volunteers who donate precious time and energy to improving Seattle’s parks and recreation programs.
“Choosing award winners is always a difficult task for us,” Aguirre said. “We are grateful to the many volunteers who contribute to Seattle Parks and Recreation’s mission of supporting healthy people, a healthy environment, and strong communities.”
In 2016, 37,722 people volunteered for Seattle Parks and Recreation, providing 231,675 hours of service, which is a donation valued by Independent Sector at $30.04 per hour or $6.9 million dollars in 2016.
AWARD – Healthy Environment:
Weekday Workers (WEWO) Carkeek Park
Since 2006, the Weekday Workers (WEWOs) have been improving the natural environment in Carkeek Park by removing invasive species, planting native species, clearing blocked trails, and performing other forest restoration activities every Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., rain or shine. The WEWOs host approximately 60 work parties each year. In 2016 alone, the WEWOs removed invasive plants from more than a half-acre area; did weeding maintenance on over two acres; saved 101 trees from strangulation by English ivy; and planted 132 native trees, 77 native shrubs and 110 native ground covers. The restoration of Carkeek Park’s forest is vital to the successful salmon runs, which thousands of park visitors enjoy every fall.