We will be releasing our second batch of Chum salmon fry at about 6:45pm on Saturday, March 25th. We have 32,000+ fry that have been learning the chemical profile of Venema Creek (imprinting) so that in three to five years they will return in the fall to spawn here in Carkeek Park.
Two dozen volunteer salmon imprint stewards have been caring for the fry and greeting visitors to the imprint pond for the last three weeks.
Please come down to join us as we send our second batch of wards on their journey to Puget Sounds and up to Alaska.
Thank you Suquamish Tribe and the staff at Grovers Creek Salmon Hatchery for our fish stock, your expertise, and support!
You can also read about the release at http://www.carkeekwatershed.org/1st-salmon-release-of-2017/ and find links to more details about the salmon programs in Carkeek Park.