11th Annual Piper’s Orchard Festival of Fruit

fruit fest poster 2017

The Friends of Piper’s Orchard invite the community to join them in celebrating Carkeek Park’s historic orchard on Saturday, September 16 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm in Carkeek Park. FREE and fun for the whole family, activities include:

In Piper’s Orchard
Visit the orchard
Orchard tours (11:30am and 1:30pm)
Get your fruit tree and grape questions answered
Apple variety tasting
Mason Bee demonstrations
Orchard Oculus art piece

At the Environmental Center
Apple pie contest (10-10:45am)
Apple identification
Fresh pressed cider demonstration
Buy pies and cider from Tillie’s Cafe (11am-2pm)
Master Gardener Clinic with activities for adults and children
Carkeek Wildlife Habitat Gardens tours
Live Music

Bring a homemade apple pie between 10:00 am and 10:30 am to enter into the pie contest or donate a homemade pie for resale. More interested in eating pies than baking them? That’s okay too! Donated pies will be available for purchase at Tillie’s Café, and the proceeds will go toward maintaining the orchard. Contest pies will also be available for purchase.

The Festival of Fruit is organized by the Friends of Piper’s Orchard, a group of dedicated volunteers who rescued the historic North Seattle orchard from invasive plants. Each year, the annual festival raises awareness and funds to help the volunteers ensure that the orchard, originally planted in the 1890s, will survive at least another 100 years.

Alongside the Friends of Piper’s Orchard, the Festival of Fruit is also sponsored by Seattle Parks and Recreation, Carkeek Park Advisory Council, Seattle Tree Fruit Society, and City Fruit.

Getting There: Metro bus lines D, 28 and 40 all travel near the McAbee entrance to Carkeek Park. From there it’s a ½ mile walk down the Piper’s Creek trail to Piper’s Orchard and another ½ mile to the Education Center.

Parking: Parking is very limited. Visitors are encouraged to park below the Education Center. Volunteers will be directing guests.

For more information
Call: 206-684-0877
Email: pipersorchard@gmail.com
Visit: www.pipersorchard.org